
I love to cook and bake, but things don't always turn out like the recipe. This is where I share my success and fails in the realm of all things food, and my journey as I attempt to bring out the culinary genius that is hiding in me...somewhere.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

Creme Brulee

 I married a creme brulee loving maniac.  It's his dessert of choice, and one that I never understood.  He would ask if I wanted a bite, and I look, think 'no chocolate? No thanks!".  Despite the alarming lack of anything chocolate, I purchased a creme brulee set for Christmas, with the promise of making him many over the years to come.

I made this for the first time last week, and man, I'm converted! They just melted in my mouth, and were utterly and completely satisfying, and that's when I finally learned a great lesson. Life isn't all about chocolate. !!!

Bring to a boil 2 cups of heavy cream, 1/4 white sugar, and a pinch of salt. Remove from heat.

In a mixer combine 4 egg yolks and 1 tsp vanilla.  Slowly incorporate/temper the cream mixture into the eggs, making sure to not scramble the eggs.  Beat well for a minute or so.

Pour your mixture into individual serving dishes.  Place these dishes into a 9x13 pan, then fill the pan with water until the dishes are half submerged.  Bake at 300 degrees for 20-25 minutes.  They should be firm, but slightly jiggly...imagine all the jokes I could've made with that last statement.

Once they are done baking, place them in the fridge to cool for about 2 hours.  When ready to serve, sprinkle liberally with white sugar, until the entire surface is coated.

Burn baby burn! Flame those bad boys!

Savor each bite, then go and flame yourself up another one!

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